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(she / her)

Darwin Del Fabro

Returning to Brazil for Reassignment Surgery, I Found Acceptance Through My Young Nieces’ Eyes

Originally published:

Jan 14, 2025

I was filled with an overwhelming sense of purpose when I stepped into the bright, welcoming home in Balneário Camboriú, Brazil. After spending almost eight years living in New York and having only seen my nieces two years prior during a visit, this trip felt like an opportunity to connect with near strangers. Yet, I was ready to reconnect with my two young nieces, who represented a vibrant future where acceptance and love reign. It felt serendipitous that our paths crossed during this pivotal time in my life.

As I embraced my ten-year-old niece and her six-year-old sister, I marveled at how much they had grown in my absence. Their excitement to see me was palpable, transforming our reunion into a cherished memory. I could see not just the family bond but a revelation of possibilities, breaking through the complexities of a world that sometimes struggles to honor its diversity. Throughout those days together, we talked, laughed, and engaged in heartfelt exchanges that taught them invaluable lessons about embracing authenticity, kindness, and acceptance.

For too long, society has boxed individuals into neatly defined categories, stifling personal truth in the name of conformity. My journey of transformation and recovery inspired me to exemplify that we are the architects of our bodies and identities. Through simple moments shared with my nieces—eating ice cream, playing games, or just hanging out—we normalized the discussion of what it means to be different. Happiness is a pursuit free of societal judgment, a lesson I wanted them to carry into their futures.

As we cuddled up on the couch, stories unfolding around us, I reminded them that uniqueness is a gift and a source of strength. They were eager to hug me, trace my colorful nails, and touch my hair as they nestled close. Even in their shyness, they sought to be as close as possible, reveling in our connection. In their simple gestures of affection, I found an admiration I had rarely experienced, filling my heart with joy. Time and again, as their eyes sparkled with curiosity and warmth, I witnessed the power of love to bridge gaps and inspire understanding.

Reflecting on our time together made me hopeful for the future. I see so much potential in my nieces; they are vibrant, compassionate beings who, as they grow, will undoubtedly contribute to shifting the narrative around identity and acceptance. I felt a sense of pride knowing that I’ve imparted lessons of empathy and appreciation for differences—not only for their benefit but also for the world around them. I believe they will become compassionate advocates for a more inclusive world.

This experience was not just about reconnecting with my family but about planting seeds of understanding within the next generation. While we didn’t delve deeply into the complexities of my journey, their admiration for my appearance—a reflection of my newfound happiness and self-love—spoke volumes. They didn’t need elaborate explanations; the image of me as a more muscular, happier woman was enough.

As I prepared to leave Balneário Camboriú, I reflected on the profound importance of these moments. My nieces have witnessed firsthand that being different is acceptable and something to be celebrated. They are loved for who they are, and that acceptance gives them the wings to navigate this complex world confidently. I left with the firm belief that they would grow into remarkable individuals who embody the values of understanding and acceptance.

The journey continues, but my influence will ripple through their lives. Together, we are emboldened by love and understanding, ready to challenge the status quo, paving the way for more compassionate interactions in the future. With every heart they touch and every boundary they transcend, they—and all young people like them—can foster a world where differences are revered rather than judged.

As I said my goodbyes, I knelt to their level, and my youngest niece looked up at me and said, “These days felt like we were with Elizabeth Taylor in the city. It was like a dream!” I chuckled, marveling at how these two young girls knew of Elizabeth Taylor, a testament to their vibrant curiosity and cultural awareness. One thing is for sure: this new generation is more substantial and more innovative than we could predict. They give me so much hope for a better future for all of us.

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